IEEE Graduate Student Fellowship Award for Zhe Li
04 July, 2017
The IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) have awarded UCL PhD student, Zhe Li, a Graduate Student Fellowship Award, 2017.
The IPS Graduate Student Fellowship Program provides Graduate Fellowships to outstanding Society student members and offers just ten Fellowships of $1000 each.
The IPS Membership Committee stated that they were “very impressed” with Zhe’s accomplishments and academic record.
Zhe will receive his award during the 2017 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), which is being held 1 – 5 October 2017, in Florida, USA. The presentation will take place at the Awards Banquet on Monday, October 2nd.
Zhe's PhD supervisors in the UCL Optical Networks Group are Dr Robert Killey and Prof Polina Bayvel and Zhe is funded by Semtech Corporation.
Zhe and fellow UCL colleagues have also had great success with a recent publication in the Journal of Lightwave Technology. Zhe is the lead author on “SSBI Mitigation and the Kramers–Kronig Scheme in Single-Sideband Direct-Detection Transmission With Receiver-Based Electronic Dispersion Compensation”, which was one of the most popular JLT papers during May 2017. Perhaps more impressive is that, also for May 2017, this paper is the third most popular paper published so far this year.